Daredevil (n): 1.
a recklessly daring person.
On Friday June 15th, 2012 Nik Wallenda, a tightrope walker from a family of daredevils who walk with no harness at great heights, walked on a tightrope over Niagara Falls. Watch the video to see a clip. Sorry, but no embedding was allowed. Now, for this stunt Nik was required to wear a harness in order for the authorities to allow him to perform the stunt. Nevertheless, this was nothing short of amazing.
I write about Nik today for a reason. Not because he's a daredevil or has accomplished something no one ever has before, but because I see so many authors walking a tightrope everyday. Not the real one, but a metaphorical one of course. Here are the top three ways they do it:
1. Arguing online
As an author, I feel the need to be professional. This blog one of the few places I will let my guard down a little. In life, I'm known to bite my tongue quite a few times, speak before I think and share my opinions openly. Yet, I will not get into arguments on the internet, I will not comment on reviews, good or bad, I will not bash other authors. And I see so many authors do those things without being provoked. Why? I don't get it. It doesn't achieve anything, nor does it get you closer to my goals (if so, then their goals must be waaayyyy different than mine).
2. Opening yourself to the opinion and scrutiny of others
Most of us edit, re-edit, then edit some more before publishing our work or sending an MS to an agent. We all know the feeling in your stomach when your "baby" will be read by others. And even if we think of our work as our first newborn, no one else does (unless they're in the industry). Now, would anyone say anything bad about a baby when he/she is born? No (most likely). But about a book, which readers consider a book? Absolutely. For that, I think authors are as brave as Nik Wallenda.
3. Perseverance
Have you ever told anyone you've written a novel and they said they want to write one too?
"Really? You do? What's it about?" You ask them.
"Well, I don't know, but I really want to write one."
Most people want to write a book. Most think they can. A small percentage of them will actually start, then a smaller percentage will finish, even less will 'let it go' and pursue publishing.
So, for those of you that have done it or are in the midst of writing/editing/publishing, give yourself a nice pat on the back, because you have the same kind of perseverance as Nik Wallenda does.
Now, for some announcements:
Today and tomorrow Stephen Tremp's Novel
Breakthrough is available for a free download from Amazon.

Starting this Wednesday, until next Tuesday, I am participating in the Midsummer's Eve Giveaway Hop hosted by Kathy at
I Am A Reader, Not A Writer.
I hope you will stop by to enter:)
Have you seen Nik Wallwenda walk the tightrope? What do you think? Have you ever done anything daring?