Book 1: Marked: A Two Halves Novella
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One decision will mark him and his twin sister Mira equally.
She is in love with a man bearing the water mark and wants Xander to follow the
path of the good. But Xander loves a black witch, a minion of the underworld.
All he has to do to join her forever is kill.
After all, there's something good about being bad.
Warning: Adult Content includes sensual non-graphic sex.
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One more inch, and his neck would snap.
The glow of his orange eyes had faded—he was close to death.
My hold tightened on the demon. He had to pay for what he’d done. At sunrise,
the walls of a cave like this one would glisten with moisture, lightened by the
sun from an opening suitable for a groundhog. But now, even the moon couldn’t
breathe through the hole my sister crawled into, following a demon who had
killed humans for the fun of it. I told her trying to catch him wouldn’t be a
good idea but did she listen to me? Of course not, and now she was trapped.
Death scattered across the floor with bones and
unrecognizable flesh remains. I tasted the stench of decay and lessened the
frequency of my breaths.
The mark of the sphere on my left wrist glowed as it began
to appear, and I felt my mouth curve up in a smirk. The orange sparks of the
imprint faded and brightened like flickering ends of fire. The heat burned. I’d
been waiting for this moment for a long time. Finally, we’d know which side we
would serve, and there was something good about being bad.
My sister, Mira, disagreed. “Xander, you’re making a life
decision for both of us. Look.” She turned her head to the left. The magic
light-ropes binding her to the back wall of the cave reddened the skin of her
hands and feet, but I saw the glow of the sphere imprinting on her wrist, as
“It’s better than living in a void.” I clenched my jaw,
determined. Ever since Ma found us as babes lying side by side on the forest
floor, staring into the dense crisscross of tree branches overhead, we’d been
floating between the realms of good and evil for more than twenty years.
“You know I’ll follow you wherever you go, but I don’t think
the underworld is the answer.” Mira’s coo soothed me. “We have a choice,
“And this is it.”
Once I killed this demon, the sphere would define us
forever. There’d be no doubt where our alliance lay: with the underworld,
instead of serving the keepers who protected humans, vampires, and warlocks.
I flexed to constrict the demon’s air flow. The burning of
the oval on my wrist spread, and the heat transferred to my chest, as if
imprinting on my heart. I greatly preferred being marked with the sphere than
lying motionless in the woods, waiting for something to happen. If it weren’t
for Ma, we’d still be there, stuck in oblivion, unable to learn how to grow.
Now the obscurity that challenged us was emotional, not physical, and I’d had
Before the tension could snap the demon’s neck, the cave
filled with a purplish mist. I inhaled and smelled lilac and lavender. The new
trespasser couldn’t be a demon from the underworld—those creatures stank like
rotten eggs and dirty socks.
A man appeared between Mira and me. He stood tall with feet
apart, arms at his sides. A blue glow swirled around his palms before
condensing into round balls of power. Holding my gaze with his purple eyes, he
lifted his chin. “The sphere is not your calling, Xander,” he whispered. “Let
the demon go.”
hesitated, focusing on my hold. The demon would be dead in less than a minute.
“Let him go,” his
hushed voice said in my mind. My grip loosened immediately, as if my arm
listened to his request, instead of my mind. His words seemed to penetrate my
brain and analyze my thoughts.
“What’s it to you?” I said, playing the skeptic, though my
usual tone sounded less harsh.
“I know what you’re struggling with. I’ve been there.”
“And you are . . . ?” I prompted.
Eric. They call me the evil-bender.”
Book 2: Two Halves

Now twenty-one, Sarah suppresses her dark side with serums. When a
nightmare stirs her dark traits, underworld creatures hunt for the half-breed
vampire. On the run, Sarah learns the secrets hidden from her, for a good
reason. Had she known her destiny, she may have continued with the serums that
kept her safe in the human world.
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After all, a deal with a warlock is as true as the best lie.
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Hundreds of miles—that’s how far he ran each day. His feet
should have been blistered, but they weren’t. He should have been out of
breath, but he didn’t need to breathe. Exhaustion had set in years ago, but not
from the running.
Where should I run
next? What would be the best way to mislead the seekers?
Ekim imagined a map in his head of where he’d been. Black
marked the roads he’d passed; red for those he needed to avoid; green for ones
he could still use. The mental strain to keep the drawings organized exhausted
But running was his priority, the only constant in his life,
and would be for a long time.
Almost twelve months had passed since Ekim’s wife Saraphine died,
since Sarah was born. He longed to see his daughter but didn’t dare risk it.
Zigzagging across America, he retreated from the demons who
concentrated their groups in the south. The seekers would think he returned to
his kind and stop the chase—or so he hoped.
Ekim has been a cold-blooded vampire since 1823, but with
his judgment clear he was newly compassionate. Only when protecting his family
did the ferocity and the viciousness come to the fore, necessary to preserve
the human and vampire species.
He couldn’t slow down. Sarah was turning one in a week.
Seekers were still looking for her and William, Atram’s one-year-old son. The decision
to move Sarah to Pinedale was difficult, but he knew it was the right choice. Her
aunt Helen would take care of her. She’d continue mixing the serums that kept
Sarah hidden.
Atram, Ekim’s best friend since the day they’d been turned,
sent a telegram to the most northerly post office in each state once a month.
Ekim stepped outside the building and pulled the paper from its envelope.
Sarah and William couldn’t get too close to each other. The
children’s heartbeats quickened uncontrollably when they laughed, turning the
giggles into cries of pain. Thin veins appeared on their innocent, chubby
faces. The electric shock between them when they touched was as quick and
unpredictable as snapped fingers. They needed each other to fulfill their
destiny, yet they couldn’t be together.
How will they do it?
How will they ever save both our kinds from extinction?
Book 3: Two Equals
Aseret, the demon lord of the underworld, is rebuilding his army to take
over the world. When half-breed vampires Sarah Mitchell and her husband
William learn that the demon lord sees their three-year-old twins as a
threat to his plans, they and their shapeshifter friends must train the
supernatural kids to prepare them for an inevitable encounter against
But more is required of Sarah; she relinquishes her body to a witch—the one who stole it before...or is it the same witch? Now working as a ghost so she can roam the ghost realm in search of Aseret’s accomplice, she must find the evil witch before time runs out to reclaim her body, and Aseret kidnaps the children. But reconnecting to her body may be more difficult than Sarah expected.
After all, there’s only space for one soul in a body.
But more is required of Sarah; she relinquishes her body to a witch—the one who stole it before...or is it the same witch? Now working as a ghost so she can roam the ghost realm in search of Aseret’s accomplice, she must find the evil witch before time runs out to reclaim her body, and Aseret kidnaps the children. But reconnecting to her body may be more difficult than Sarah expected.
After all, there’s only space for one soul in a body.
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Book 4: Evil-Bent: A Two Equals Novella
is an evil-bender punished by his superiors for defying them. He followed his
instinct and removed a mark off a cursed witch without consulting them. With
his days numbered, Eric struggles to follow his last task: an order to kill the
last three demons, so that his abilities and memories can be stripped. The life
as he knows it, including his love, will be taken away from him.
an offer from the last standing warlock sways his loyalty. If Eric tries to
kill him, all power will be transferred to the warlock instead. If he doesn’t,
death will be Eric’s only option. What choice do you have when any choice you
make is not your own?
After all, a deal with a warlock is as true as the best lie.
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Two Halves Series Collection (Book 1, 2, 3 & 4)
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