Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter

Wishing Everyone a Happy Easter, filled with Love, Laughter and Joy. May You and Those You love find the meaning of sacrifice, hope and forgiveness.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest

I've been fighting a flu for the past week and a half so I wasn't sure whether I'd be able to participate in this exciting blogfest hosted by none other than Alex J. Cavanugh. Thank you Alex!

I'm feeling a bit better, but still with a fever. Hopefully some sun will warm up my bones and make me all healthy:) To top it off, I ventured out skiing this past Saturday with the family to finish off the skiing season.
That's right, me, with a fever, skiing (a bit drugged on all the advil) with the family. Hey, I couldn't miss the end of the season, could I. When I get a chance I'll post some cool pictures and maybe a video:)

Now, here are my top ten favorite movies: ) These are in no particular order, as that would be way too hard!!! They all touched my heart and have been part of my life in different ways.

Back to the Future: Only because I watched it over one hundred times as a kid, but it's a close call with number two.

Lord of the Rings Trilogy: I don't think I have to explain this one

Twilight: Yes, please feel free to squirm, but I wouldn't be a writer if it weren't for this movie, so it really means a lot to me.

Titanic: I went to a midnight screening with my hubby and left pretty early in the morning. It's one of those movies a box of tissues is necessary.

Aliens: My fave when I was in school. I still love Aliens and can watch it over and over again. 

Dirty Dancing: makes me feel very warm and fuzzy inside.

The Never Ending Story:I think this is one of the first fantasy movies I've watched.

Star Wars: What George Lucas did for the movie industry and effects will go down in history. I adore Star Wars!

 Labyrinth: I bought this one just last year for my kids and they loved it as much as I did when I was young. And David Bowie never looked hotter (even in tights)

Ever After: I don't know what it is about this movie, but yes, I own this one too, and can watch it over and over again.

Stigmata:  I know, quite different than the other ones, but I really love this movie. It sends chills down my spine every time I watch it.

Too bad we can only pick ten. There are tons more I love. I'm really looking forward to seeing what everyone else picked! 

Are any of these your faves?

This is a blog hop. Feel free to click below to follow the other participants.


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Social Media - IWSG

Today is the first Wednesday of the month and so comes time for our monthly Insecure Writer's Support Group.

Thank you to our host Captain Ninja Alex J. Cavanaugh Every month writers post their doubts, concerns and insecurities without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Others offer assistance and guidance in the comments.

For a full list of participants click here and hop on over to offer your own words of encouragement and/or assistance.

Over the past 6-8 months I've pulled back from a lot of my social media. At the time, I didn't realize I was doing it, but time only allowed me to write, not "socialize" too much. I've been writing quite a bit, trying to concentrate on that part of my career, but I do want to get back to blogging more regularly, my Facebook, twitter etc... I miss connecting with people out there the way I used to.

But (of course there is a but) I'm so afraid it will cut into my writing again. I've tried allotting time for social media, but that does not work for me. What it boils down to is how much of social media is enough so that it does not jeopardize my writing time. I don't want tto use FB or Twitter because I have to - I want to do it because I want to.

How do you balance the writing and socializing on the net? What are your insecurities this month?