Today is the first Wednesday of the month and so comes time for our monthly Insecure Writer's Support Group.
Thank you to our host Captain Ninja Alex J. Cavanaugh Every month writers post their doubts, concerns and
insecurities without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Others offer
assistance and guidance in the comments.
For a full list of participants click here and hop on over to offer your own words of encouragement and/or assistance.
Over the past 6-8 months I've pulled back from a lot of my social media. At the time, I didn't realize I was doing it, but time only allowed me to write, not "socialize" too much. I've been writing quite a bit, trying to concentrate on that part of my career, but I do want to get back to blogging more regularly, my Facebook, twitter etc... I miss connecting with people out there the way I used to.
But (of course there is a but) I'm so afraid it will cut into my writing again. I've tried allotting time for social media, but that does not work for me. What it boils down to is how much of social media is enough so that it does not jeopardize my writing time. I don't want tto use FB or Twitter because I have to - I want to do it because I want to.
How do you balance the writing and socializing on the net? What are your insecurities this month?
I've never fully figured out how to be social and write at the same time, and yes sometimes my writing suffers. But on the other hand, when I'm deep in my WIP, nothing else gets a look in - although that includes housework and a real social life too!
Maybe you could allocate an hour at the end of the day to just browsing blogs and Facebook, over a nice glass of wine maybe :-)
Social media is stressful. I'm not sure if there is any way to get it right. And its not like we humans can be spread around like peanut butter and jelly.
If something takes away from us like our health or our writing, then its pretty much time to cut back.
Hugs and chocolate,
It does cut into writing time, and into life in general. That's why my focus is my blog with occasional Twitter. Any more and I couldn't handle it.
I have missed seeing you around Marta, but you are still one of the most faithful when it comes to the IWSG. I appreciate that!
This seems to be a common problem lately. I don't think there is a right or wrong way. I think you should do what you want to or social media will feel like a chore.
Hi Marta!
I understand where you're at. Social media is a time suck and life is hectic enough.... *sigh*
I use Twitter and Facebook sparingly... mainly for new blog posts/bloghops/book release events (and even that I forget to do...)
For me its and ebb and flow. If I'm deep into a writing a novel, then social media takes a back seat. I get more involved when I'm in-between projects or waiting to do more revisions. For me it's useless to try and set a schedule that works year-round. :)
Social media allows us to learn from each other, to learn from sharing our work and making mistakes and seeing how others succeed. It creates experiences we can learn from that we would not have had without it.
I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!
Nice blog! I found your great blog through the WLC Blog Follows on the World Literary Cafe! Great to connect!
Darn! I forgot to put Aliens on my list.
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