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Time: I've encountered this insecurity before. Over the next three weeks I've planned to publish everything I've wanted so that it's out in time for Christmas/January. The amount of formatting I will be doing over the next few weeks makes me wonder whether I won't run out of time. So far, everything is running smoothly. As long as I don't hit any obstacles I should be able to manage the following:
- format Two Equals for print
- format Evil-Bent: A Two Equals Novella for print and ebook
- format entire series as a book set for ebook
- edit & format 6 short stories under a different pen name for ebook
- format two bundles of short stories
- keep writing
So, you can how Time is of the essence ;) The family has been very supportive and I seem to be finishing all work as planned (at least in the past two weeks). Hopefully, I'll make it.
What are your insecurities today? Are you struggling to make it in time with your work for Christmas rush? Any suggestions on how to handle the pressure?
Wow - that's a lot of work! I'm sure you can do it. I'm just writing at the moment - and thinking... lots of thinking :-)
We are decluttering the house and this is having an amazing effect. We have far less to manage. Oh, and stay out of debt. This is one time of year we do not put anything on credit.
I'm in over my head right now. I can totally relate to your list. Two projects in edit, work on book that was requested, blog, Publicity, finish two other short stories, etc... It's amazing how hard we work. I wish you luck on your list. I know you can do it, because you are awesome.
Time always gets me too. I really wish days were 48 ours long sometimes and that I only required like three hours of sleep to feel fully refreshed.
I wish you all the best on your projects. Here's to huge successes with them all. :)
Wow. That is quite a to-do list. Best wishes to you on getting it all done without any troubles.
You will make it! And keep us posted so we can announce the new books as they are released.
Special thanks for posting for every IWSG since its inception. I appreciate it, Marta!
Yep, time is a major issue for me as well. Good luck with all your formatting. I hope it goes without a hitch :)
you are one busy bee! But you're a pro at handling this, I think. :D Good luck!
It sounds like a lot of work, but you will make it. You sound very dedicated and it is wonderful that your family is being so supportive. Good luck.
This is a great idea. I saw your post on Book Blog and am following you. Please consider following me.
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