Monday, November 26, 2012

A Nice Surprise

This past Wednesday I got a nice surprise. As I was jogging with the hubby in the morning I received an email (yes, I do carry my Blackberry everywhere).

Two Halves has been picked as the Indie Book of the Day and I received an award. Apparently someone has nominated the novel for the award.

I don't know who, but if they're reading this - Thank you! I am so grateful and humbled whenever anyone reads my work, it's beyond explaining.

Anyways, here's the award:

Doesn't it look cool? I swear this feels like I just won an Olympic Medal. (yes, I know some people will roll their eyes, but really, I'm too happy have that bother me)

I don't like to brag often (like the day Two Halves reached #314 on Amazon's paid list), but I'm very proud of this, so I had to share. Knowing someone took the time to nominate the book is beyond me. It's not the 1000 or 5000 or 10000 or 50000 sales that count in moments like these. It's that 1 sale, which mattered to someone. I respect each one. It's the 1000 sales x 1, and so on,  because each one is like a gem:)

Again, thank you! I'm beyond words! (which is rare)


Shelly said...

Congrats to you!

Hugs and chocolate,

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations! What an awesome surprise.

Annalisa Crawford said...

What a great email to receive. Congratulations!

Brinda said...

You should definitely be proud. That is very cool.

Morgan said...

So, so, SO COOL, Marta! It's important to embrace these moments--as a writer, we need to stay sane! HUGE congrats! :-)

Romance Book Haven said...

Congratulations on the award! Yay!

I have highlighted a new publisher and you are welcome to come by as they are inviting aspiring writers to ask their submission questions!
